E-Cigarette 95% Less Harmful

As scientists in the United States devote to this issue, a new report from the Public Health UK (PHE) concluded that electronic cigarettes are significantly less harmful than their analog counterparts. How little? According to official estimates, it's somewhere at 95 percent.
“In summary, the best estimates show that e-cigarettes do 95 percent less damage to your health than normal cigarettes, da the report says, ğinde when supported by the smoking cessation service, it helps most smokers to stop smoking completely tütün.
Mary When I read the evidence, it turns out that almost all cigarette smoking of vaping smokers is harmful to health, Peter said Peter Hajek, an independent author, Queen Mary University Professor.
However, despite these findings, the review also suggests that people do not know that e-cigarettes are better than normal ones. The study continues to show that public misconceptions about the health effects of e-cigarettes have largely given up changing, despite the fact that traditional smokers can greatly improve their health. About half of the UK population (exactly 44.8 percent) does not understand that e-cigarettes are less harmful than smoking.
Professor Kevin Fenton, director of health and well-being at PHE, said; the problem is that people are increasingly at least harmful and think that it stops millions of cigarettes.. Try to fully support e-cigarette users to quit smoking.
It is estimated that around 80,000 people die each year in the UK due to smoking-related health problems, but if all these smokers switch to e-cigarettes, researchers estimate that this figure could only fall to 4,000. Co-author of the study. Ann McNeill states: "E-cigarettes can be a game changer in public health."


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